APIorganic Organic Crystal Sugar

For beekeepers who keep their bees according to organic principles, we recommend feeding them with our organic granulated sugar APIorganic. An organic sugar also intended for bees. Find out about the benefits of our organic sugar and how you can use it to feed your hives.

APIorganic Organic Crystal Sugar

For beekeepers who keep their bees according to organic principles, we recommend feeding them with our organic granulated sugar APIorganic. An organic sugar also intended for bees. Find out about the benefits of our organic sugar and how you can use it to feed your hives.

Why use organic sugar?

For organic beekeeping, we recommend using our organic beet sugar.

Our organic beet sugar meets all the criteria’s of the European regulation on organic production and is also available with Naturland and Bioland certifications.

Thanks to these certifications, it is perfectly suited for organic beekeeping.

You can use our organic sugar to produce your sugar solution. Thanks to its high degree of purity, it is, for example, ideal for the production of a classic 3:2 sugar solution (3 kg of sugar for 2 l of water).

When should organic crystal sugar be used for bees?

Organic beekeepers can use our organic beet sugar to produce a sugar solution whose concentration varies according to the season.

Use of organic crystal sugar

To feed your bees with our organic sugar, prepare a sugar/water solution:

A stimulating syrup is a syrup made of half water and half sugar. It is a 50/50 or 1:1 syrup.

A winter feeding syrup will be more concentrated.
Sugar Water Concentration Uses
0.5 1 0.5/1 Light syrup
1 1 1/1 = stimulation
3 2 3/2 Thick syrup
2 1 2/1 = provisions

APIorganic crystal sugar packaging

The packaging of our organic sugar consists of a 25 kg paper bag.

Make sure to store your organic sugar in a dry place at room temperature.